Annet Kakweri eine junge Frau aus Iganga Bisher hat sie 6 Kinder - 4 eigene sowie 2 Waisen - Schwester und Schwager verstarben an Aids
Über die Schule in Uganda oder Warum wir helfen sollten
Annets Brief:
„These are the most important things why my children go to school: Their wishes: Frossy Wekiya needs to be veterinary doctor. Wilson Wekiya needs to be an engneer. Samba Marvin Ndeku needs to be a lawyer. Leticia Kawuma needs to be a nurse. These all are in community trans nursery and primary school. The two orphans Mary Nabirye is in senior two. Joan Mukoda is in hairdressing course. These are the challenges they face as well as most Ugandan children who are in the school going age: Lack of tuition fees. Lack of the required scholastic materials such as the learners work books,mathematical sets,school bags. Failure to pay for there lunch at school. Failure to buy school uniforms and sports wear. As a result children do not feel free while at school. The above is as a result of the irresponsible fathers in our communities. Life at school in my country. The majority of children in Uganda foot from home to school including mine. Few parents can afford to pay the required funds for their children to sleep at school. During lunch time, for those who come from near are allowed to go home for lunch. Those who come from far, incase their parents are able to pay for their lunch, they eat at school but the majority go with out food through out the day. However it would be advisable for children to sleep at school to avoid dangers on the way and to concentrate more on their studies. As for now, all my children sleep at home but school authorities have always advised us to have them sleep at school. webake bulungi nyabo (Vielen Dank)“
Beim Abschied von Annet zeigte sie mir 6 Kinderfotos. Ich sollte mir die Bilder abfotografieren, um ihre Kinder und die Waisen ihrer Schwester nicht zu vergessen (mitgeben konnte sie mir die
Bilder nicht. Sie hatte nur diese.) Folgende Bitte gab sie mir mit auf den Heimweg: „Christine, wenn Du irgendetwas für uns tun kannst, dann bitte sorge dafür, dass meine Kinder bessere
Bildungschancen haben werden!“ Wie sollte man dieser Bitte nachkommen?! Der Keim für ein Schulprojekt war gelegt …
… Und so fing PUC an …
Community Trans Nursery and Primary School Iganga
Florence Were - Schuldirektorin Ihr Bericht, wie alles begann
It all started with my going back to school. I had missed an opportunity to complete school while I was young, I dropped out of school at the age of 14 in 1984, due to the polygamous nature
of the family I was born from. My Dad could not educate me further, he had divorced my mum, so no one could speak out for me!! After that I went to work as a house maid from 1985 to 1987. After
that I got another job of working for a transport company, I could help the bus conductor, in issues of collecting money and taking it to the company office at the end of a work day.
While there, the owner of the company passed away, his sons and the workers he left behind were not able to run the company further , because he was highly polygamous, he left 4 wives, and many children from various women, so these children could not agree on what to do.
I later got a job as a pump attendant at a fuel selling company (Shell) , Here I met my husband got married at the age of 20, gave birth to all my children, (I have 2 boys and one girl) however, the zeal for education never subsided at all!! After 18 years out of school, my husband took me back to school, I went through secondary level, high school and later university, I came out with a Bachelors in Arts degree with Education. I completed university in June 2010. I started teaching right away until 2013, but I felt that I wasn't fulfilled! Looking at the need of education, in this locality, me and my husband, we felt that we could do something about the education need here! Due to the economic status of our country, our government is not yet able to construct all the needed schools to meet all the academic needs of children in this country! This creates a very big gap in the education of the Ugandan child!
I had done a course unit at University called, ''Education economics'', in which we learnt much about the limited resources in Uganda, we were advised as teachers to always use the little limited resources to educate the children! I wished to be practical enough, what we had by then was the piece of land on which the church structure stood and a few benches and plastic chairs, and two tables, so that is how we started. We partitioned the church structure into classes during the week days and on Sunday, we could remove the boards and use it as a church. We started with 54 children. In Uganda, due to polygamy, children are very many, some parents afford the school fees payment, some, completely fail so they may go without education.
We could request for minimum school fees , so as to attract children, to our school, so that is how it all started. We decided to give a few children some discounts in order to attain our goal. The next year, we were able to construct some three wooden classes and one permanent room which we now use as a water tank room for drinking water for the school children. Later we bought a school land and we added on some more classes.
We are registered as a CDO, (i.e. a Community Development Organisation) at the District level, and we are also licensed by the ministry of Education and Sports. Government has allocated us an examination registered sitting center. Hopefully as you come around, we shall be able to go through our Constitution and all the necessary documentations.
Christine Montag